8 Best Tea for Headache Relief

Best tea for Headache

There are different types of headaches. It is a situation when someone feels uncomfortable and tired. During a headache one may not be able to work properly. These pains occur due to many reasons like due to less sleep, due to stress, due to unstable blood pressure etc. However, when someone gets a headache, he/she tries to get rid of this pain as soon as possible. 

Sometimes people use medicines for some serious pains but sometimes tea can also give you relief. Here we are going to discuss some best teas for headache, which can be used during headache but first we discuss the main types of headache before discussing the best tea for headache.

Types of Headache

         There are two main types of headache:

  • Primary Headaches
  • Secondary Headaches

Primary headaches may be due to stress, tensions, less sleep or some environmental factors and this type of headache lasts for a few hours and after that a person gets relief. But secondary headaches are due to some serious medical issues and a person gets headaches many times in a week. Taking proper treatment and medicines one can feel comfortable and relax.

Best teas which can be used to get relief from headaches.

Ginger Tea:

Ginger is the best tea for a headache. It is a natural herb and has a great impact on human health. Many medicines contain ginger as a product and it is also useful for some serious diseases. It has a contribution in proper blood flow through the body and it stabilizes the blood in arteries and veins. 

Some people have thick blood and also due to this reason they feel headache and ginger is the best natural herb which prevents blood from clotting. So, ginger tea helps a lot in removing headaches. This tea also gives you energy and boosts up your immune system. However, ginger has the ability of thinning blood so those who have thin blood already must consult the doctor before drinking ginger tea.

Clove Tea:

Cloves are also the best tea for headaches. It is natural herbs and they have antiviral and antimicrobial properties that protect you from common diseases like illness. It is also used to get relief in many types of pains including headache. Cloves also improve blood circulation and decrease inflammation. Cloves are also used in blood thinning materials so, before drinking clove tree consult your healthcare provider. Making clove tea is a very simple activity and cloves are easily available at every small store.  

Green Tea:

Green tea is obtained from a green plant called camellia sinensis and it is almost used in all types of teas like black, white, yellow and dark. Camellia is caffeinated naturally and caffeine is also used in many drugs and pain killers including headaches. So, caffeine in green tea can reduce your headaches.


It is a popular natural herb and has many benefits related to health. It is used in many painkillers’ medicines as a product. It is the best tea for headache that reduces your nervous disorder like anxiety, stress and many pains. Instead of taking benefits from medicines which are costly too you can get the same benefits from a cup of rosemary tea.

 Peppermint Tea:

Peppermint tea is very beneficial for health. Most of the patients suffering from headaches drink peppermint tea and continued use of peppermint tea is very effective for health. If you are suffering from headaches like tension and you want to get relief from pain, make a cup of peppermint tea and drink it. 

You can also drink peppermint tea in a combination of ginger tea. There are no side effects of peppermint tea. It has other benefits like it reduces stress and makes your stomach stable.

Turmeric Tea:

Turmeric is a natural herb and it is found in Asia and also in other continents. Drinking turmeric tea is also beneficial like ginger and clove tea.  Turmeric has many benefits and the best one is that it heals wounds very quickly. It boosts up your immune system. 

It also reduces the cardiovascular complications. Many diabetic patients also use turmeric tea. You can make turmeric tea simply at home. You can use turmeric powder or turmeric root for making tea and use this herbal tea thrice in a week or according to your desires.

Green Tea:

Green tea is also considered as a magical tea for headaches. It has many benefits regarding human health. It makes your brain active and eliminates most of the unnecessary radicals from the body. Green tea also includes caffeine and caffeine is used in many pain killers’ medicines and pain killer drugs. Many people use green tea in their daily routine. 

It is also observed that if someone is suffering from headaches and drinks green tea, he/she feels a relief in his/her pain. Green tea is easily available in the market in the form of petals or small tea packs with different flavors like lemon etc. Making green tea is also a simple activity, take a boiled water in a cup and dip a small pack of green tea in it according to your desired color and you can also add a table spoon of sugar in it.

Lavender Tea: A Best Tea for Headache

Lavender is also a herb which is used in the field of medicine. It is also effective in removing anxiety and depression and illness. Lavender tea is effective in the treatment of migraine headaches. Lavender is available in markets at very cheap rates.


Headaches are very common in our everyday life and can be reduced by taking painkillers but one can get relief by taking some teas which are easily available. But a patient who has continuous pain must visit a doctor for proper treatment.

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