How To Get Glowing Skin Naturally in 2 weeks

Skin is the main organ in the human body that you have to take care of most. Glowing skin is considered as the sign of good health and spirit. 

Nowadays people are obsessed with fair skin in lieu of focusing on healthy glowing skin. But I really don’t believe in this concept that fair skinned is preferable to glowing skin.

There is a need for awareness among people that glowing and healthy skin is pre prominent than fair skin. So here are some tips that you can take to make a change in yourself for perfect glowing skin.

Tips and Remedies for Glowing skin

The main things that you need for glowing skin are mentioned here.

Let’s discuss the tips and remedies in detail.


You can give glow naturally to your skin by adding these foods in your diet.

  • Use Omega -3 fatty acids. Fatty fish are very good for your health and skin. These make your skin radiant and supple. Walnuts are also rich in vitamin E, Vitamin C and zinc. It promotes healthy skin. You can use them in many ways. You can eat them or apply a paste of it on your skin.  
  • Add fruits in your diet to look radiant. Fruits contain nutrients and vitamins so they give you a naturally glowing skin.
  • Add vegetables in your diet. Carrot is very important for skin. It contains vitamin A, which fights against dead skin cells and wrinkles. It makes your skin fresh and glowing. You can eat or make juice from it. Cucumber helps you to reduce dark circles on your face.
  • Use of coconut makes your skin radiant and supple. You can use coconut in many ways. You can eat it. You can drink its water. You can use coconut oil on your face to reduce inflammation and dark circles. It makes you feel hydrated and when you feel hydrated naturally a glow comes on your face.
  • Avocado is a versatile ingredient for glowing skin and radiant complexion. It helps you in many ways. Avocado is rich in vitamins and compounds that may help you in skin repair and even out complexion. When you use it on your face you feel fresh and glowing.


Drinking 8 to 10 glasses daily makes your skin fresh and glowing. Hydration is paramount for glowing skin. If you have dry skin, you don’t feel good and it makes you dull. 

Dry skin also causes many skin diseases. So drink water and stay hydrated for glowing skin. Use cold water in ice cubes to reduce large pores on your skin.

Detox water

Have you ever heard of detox water? Detox water not only cleanses your skin but also releases toxins from your body. It helps to fight against the signs of aging and wrinkles.  You can add natural ingredients in water such as vegetables, fruits and mint etc. let’s make a detox drink for glowing skin.

Natural Remedy with Water

Take a jug full of water. Add some cubes of cucumber in it. Cucumber gives natural glow to your skin. Then add some leaves of mint. Then add a small piece of ginger in it.  Add a lemon and 2 to 3 drops of apple cider vinegar in it. Keep it for 3 to 4 hours and then drink it. Hopefully this drink will help you to have clean and glowing skin.


To get glowing skin,Sleep and Exercise is also a paramount remedy. When you take proper sleep, blood flow automatically increases and collagen is rebuilt. A healthy skin makes you perfect.

Sleep deprivation makes your skin dull and imperfect and then you are not able to perform any act in a good way. For a natural glow on your skin you have to take proper sleep of 8 hours.

Deprivation of sleep causes wrinkles and dark spots on your face. Proper sleep not only rejuvenates you but also makes your skin fresh.   

Avoid smoke and alcohol

If you are a user of cigarettes or alcohol you are investing chemical toxins into your body. Smoking increases the oxidative stress in your body and damages your skin cells that lead to aged skin.

Now let’s discuss some natural ingredients that you can take for glowing skin.


Honey is the best moisturizer for your skin. It keeps your skin hydrated. You can use honey paste on your skin for a natural glow. It ensures spotless skin and helps in fading of the pigmentation. Now the question arises that how to use honey on your skin


Aloe Vera helps to stimulate new cell growth. It soothes and moisturizes your skin. To get glowing skin Use aloe vera daily may give your skin a natural glow. Sometimes direct application of aloe vera may start itching on your face. It’s better to first apply it on your arm and then on your face.

Remedy for a natural glow.

Take a leaf of aloe vera from a plant. Then apply cotton for sometime on the leaf to remove its itching. Then apply it on your face and massage it for 5 minutes. Leave it for 5 minutes to dry and then wash with clean water. You will see a natural glow on your face.


Turmeric is used to improve skin texture. It helps to remove the excess oil on your face. Turmeric is used to remove pigmentation and scars on your face.  You can use turmeric in many ways.

Remedy for a natural glow.

Take 4 tablespoons of milk and then add turmeric in it. Apply this mask on your face. Let it dry and then rinse off with water. You can also add turmeric with gram flour and then apply on skin.


It is concluded that you can use natural things on your face for a natural glow. All ingredients that have been discussed above will help you to bring a natural glow to your skin. You will look younger and fresh by all these natural things.

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