Top 10 Must Use Zero Calorie Foods for Healthy Life

If you ever wondered there was a magic pill where you could eat as much as you want and you would never ever put on weight. I am here to tell you the special kind of zero calorie foods which will help you lose your belly fat in no time. In fact, you can even lose about 30 pounds in only 10 to 15 days. So, no workout, no dieting! eat as much as you want. These zero calorie foods also known as negative calorie fooZero Calorie Foods

Zero calorie foods are foods that contain very little or no calories. This means that they are essentially foods and can be eaten without impacting your calorie intake for the day. Some common zero calorie foods include water, certain fruits and vegetables, and sugar-free gum.

While zero calorie foods may not seem like a big deal, they can be helpful tool for weight loss or weight maintenance. Why? Because when you include more zero calorie foods in your diet, you naturally reduce the overall number of calories you are consuming.

Benefits of Zero Calorie Foods

  • Zero calorie foods have some innumerable benefits:
  • They are very good for your cholesterol levels.
  • They also keep a check on your diabetes.
  • They help boost your metabolism.
  • They can even help detoxify your body.
  • They purify your blood and help the blood circulation.

Top 10 Best Zero Calorie Foods

10. Apple

Number 10 on the top 10 list of zero calorie foods is Apple with only 52 calories. Imagine eating a favorite burger and always wanting more. What if I tell you that you can either eat one burger which has about 300 calories or you can gorge on apples not one, two, three but four to five apples. You would feel full, and you would never crave anything because your body has got all the nutrients and vitamins that it needs. It has a lot of vitamins and minerals, and it also controls your hunger pangs.

9. Carrot

 Number nine on the top 10 list of zero calorie foods is Carrot. At only 40 calories per hundred grams, it has managed to beat the mighty Apple with 50 calories. Carrots are very tasty and a delicious snack if you can munch on them.

There is nothing like it because it keeps you fuller. It is good for your eyes and skin. It contains so many vitamins and minerals and it is dairy otic that means it is good for your digestion. It is anti-inflammatory which is good for your stomach too.

8. Melon

Number eight in the top ten zero calorie foods list is the melon. It is here to poke up your life because it is full of water with only 30 to 35 calories per 100 grams. Imagine you could even eat a kilo of melon and never put on weight because it is so hydrating. It is good for your skin. It detoxifies your body plus it is also going to bring that extra special glow on your face. So, do not forget to include melons in your zero calorie foods. You will feel full, but you would not have consumed any calories at all.

7. Calciferous Vegetables

Number seven on the top ten list of zero calorie foods is with only 25 to 30 calories. Cruciferous vegetables play a very crucial role as they are very high in phytonutrients antioxidants, and they are very healthy way to lose weight. But if you have thyroid, I don’t think it is a good option for you. They come in many varieties for example Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brussel and Sprouts etc.

6. Brinjal

Moving on to number six do you think we can have lower than 20 calories per hundred grams. With only 20 calories per 100 grams is the king of vegetables, the brinjal also known as aubergine. Well moving on with the goodness of brinjal, let me tell you that it contains a lot of fiber, a lot of potassium and a lot of vitamins. It also has a very special property to lower your BP. It contains flavonoids with anthocyanins which help lower your BP.

5. Mushrooms

Are you looking to boost your energy or improve your mood to a happy mood? Well, I suggest you must try this number five in the top 10 list of zero calorie foods with only 20 calories per hundred grams. Mushrooms keep you happy as they boost your energy. They instantly change your mood as soon as you consume them.

They are so rich in vitamin D that they are good for your body. You must take as many mushrooms as you can. Also, there are so low in calories you can eat as much as you can and there is no stopping. I quite enjoy mushrooms either in soup form or mushroom sauce on top of my grilled chicken.

4. Tomatoes

Number four with only 17 calories per 400 grams, we have a superhero vegetable. Believe it or not you can trust it with your life. Yes, I am talking about tomatoes. What else do you need? I quite enjoy it in a baked form with my breakfast, especially my omelets. So, I usually bake my tomatoes. I have about one or two, if it is a large size, I have one. if it is too small then I have about 2.

Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C and I forgot to tell you why it is called the superhero vegetable because it contains lycopene which fights cancer and what more you need. It also keeps your cholesterol under check, and it has a lot of antioxidants.

3. Green Leafy Vegetables

Number three on the top 10 list of zero calorie foods is my favorite green leafy vegetables and we have managed to go lower than 15 calories per 100 grams. Can you believe it?  You can eat as much as you want throughout the day and have a nice radiant glowing skin. Your digestion becomes even stronger plus your body retains all the vitamins and minerals and you get to lose weight.

Green leafy vegetables are loaded with antioxidants, and they contain a lot of vital vitamins and minerals. So, don’t forget you have your daily dose of green leafy vegetables, and you must see that fat melt away.

2. Cucumber

Are you cool as a cucumber, well if you are not, you better be? Because next on the list of top zero calorie foods is the cool cool cucumber. Yes, this has only seven calories per hundred grams, now what more do you need? Be it office, be it home or anywhere. Cucumbers are good for your skin. They help detoxify your body and they contain polyphenols which are antioxidants. If your digestion is strong your body will be healthy, and nobody can stop you from losing all that excess weight.

1. Green Tea

Last but not the least on the list of zero calorie foods is green tea and any kind of herbal tea which you might please. Because these contain very minimal almost zero calories. So, if you want to boost your metabolism and get your body in the antioxidant raging mode. You must have at least one cup of green tea one hour after every meal. It’s definitely gonna help you.

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