How to Remove Permanent Markers?

In our everyday life we have to face some issues like permanent ink on walls, clothes, boards, furniture etc. When there are small children in a house, there are many such cases in routine. In this article we are going to discuss the short and easy ways step by step of removing permanent markers from different items. 

How To Remove Permanent Markers

There are different ways for each distinct item which are:

Removing Permanent Marker from Carpets:

For removing stains of permanent ink from carpet alcohol and hair spray are the best options. Take a piece of cloth, dip it into a rubbing alcohol bottle and dab the cloth onto the stain area on the carpet. Remember that you cannot rub on stain because it may spread more, so gently dab on the stain and continue the process until the stain.

You can also use a hair spray on the stain area. Spray a little on the stain and take a small piece of cloth and dab it on the stain. After applying alcohol or spray, wash the stain area with little water and then dry it with a towel or cloth.

Removing Permanent Marker from Furniture:

In the case of wooden furniture, you can use ethyl alcohol or spirit (contain 40% alcohol) for removing permanent ink because alcohol has the ability to break chemicals in permanent inks. Apply ethyl alcohol with a piece of cloth on the stain and let it free for a few times and then remove the alcohol with cloth.

You can also use toothpaste and soda paste for removing permanent markers from wood. Take an equal ratio of toothpaste and soda in a bowl and make a thick paste. Apply this paste to the stain area and leave it for some time then rub this paste with a piece of cloth.

Removing Permanent Marker from Plastic:

You can remove permanent ink stains from plastic by using different techniques. Rubbing alcohol and toothpaste plus soda paste are also effective. One can use hand sanitizer to remove permanent stains from plastic items. 

Take alcohol-based hand sanitizer and squirt it on the area from where you want to remove stains. It’s better if you test it on a small area first then apply it to the whole affected area. Rub it with a piece of paper and continue the process until the removal of stain.

You can also use sun cream to remove permanent stains from plastics. Spray a little sun cream on the stain and rub it with cloth and then wipe it.

Nail polish is also effective in the removal of permanent stains from plastic. Scrub nail polish on the stain area and then rub it with cloth.

Removing Permanent Marker from Clothes, Leather:

By using rubbing alcohol and nail polish you can remove a permanent marker stain from fabrics like cushions, sofas, bedsheets and curtains etc. Alcohol breaks the chemicals in the permanent inks and it can easily remove permanent ink stains from fabrics. Apply alcohol to the stain and with a piece of cloth dab on the stain.

By using hair spray on the leather, you can clean permanent inks spots. Use a leather conditioner after cleaning it with hair spray.  

Removing Permanent Marker from Whiteboard:

Writing accidently with a permanent marker on a whiteboard is very common practice. Now if you have such a situation then how can you erase it? You can remove permanent ink stains from a whiteboard by spirit containing 40% alcohol or petrol. Dip a small piece of cloth in spirit and then rub on the stain on the whiteboard and after that wipe it.

Removing Permanent marker from Walls:

White toothpaste plus soda paste is also helpful for removing permanent markers from walls. Lemon is also an excellent agent which removes stains from walls without disturbing paints. Lemon essential oil has a very good smell and it is considered as a good house cleaner. Take lemon oil and directly apply it to the stain area and gently rub with the help of cloth, continue the process until the removal of permanent ink.

Removing Permanent Marker from Skin:

Permanent marker stain can be easily removed from the surface of skin by using different cleaning agents. First of all, you can use olive oil or coconut oil for removing permanent ink from skin. Take white toothpaste and apply it on permanent ink with the help of your fingers.

 Gently massage the toothpaste for a few seconds then wipe it with tissue or rinse it with water. You can also use sunscreen for removing permanent ink stains from your skin. Spray sunscreen on the stain area and then wipe it with tissue paper.

Removing Permanent marker from Kitchen Cabinet:

Vegetable oil is an excellent agent used for cleaning permanent markers from kitchen cabinets. Take a cotton ball wet with vegetable oil and scrub it with circular motions on the stain area. Repeat the same activity if required until the permanent ink is gone. Then wipe it with a tissue paper or a piece of cloth.

Removing Permanent Marker from Glass and Tiles:

Rubbing alcohol cleaner or nail polish remover are considered as good cleaning agents. You can get rid of permanent ink from window glass or mirror and tile surface by applying rubbing alcohol or nail polish cleaner directly to the area from where you want to remove permanent inks. Rub it with a cloth until the stain is gone then wipe it with paper or cloth.


To get rid of permanent marker stains from your house goods, you can use the above-mentioned techniques for different items.

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